QC in Sewing

Sl. # Process Procedure
01 Input material check It is the first process of quality control in sewing section. Here all the input materials should be checked to complete all the sewing processes accurately.
02 Cutting panel and accessories checking All the cutting panels and accessories should be checked here to avoid mismatching with the other cutting parts and trimmings.
03 Checking sewing machine According to buyers approved sample, right sewing machine should be selected here to complete all the required sewing for the garments.
04 Sewing thread checking It’s a very important matter in sewing section. Sewing thread should be selected here according to buyers approved sample.
05 Sewing needle checking Here, required sizes needle should be selected to complete fault free sewing for the garments.
06 Embroidery and printing panel checking (If there) If there’s any embroidery or print lies in the garments, then it should be checked by maintaining buyers approved sample.
07 Stitching fault checking After making the garments, here garments checked to identify stitch fault free garments.
08 Seam fault checking After checking stitch, all the seam of garments must be checked here.
09 Measurement checking According to buyer’s instruction, garments measurement has to check here.
10 Shade variation checking Sometimes various types of shade variation have seen in the garments which should be checked here.
11 Size mistake checking For submitting perfect size of garments to the buyer, an extra checking has needed here.
12 Trimmings checking According to buyers approved sample, required trimmings of garments should be checked here to make fault free garments.
13 Interlining checking Interlining checking should be done here by the quality inspector whether it is perfect or not.
14 Crease or wrinkle appearance checking It is the last process of quality control in sewing section, where quality inspector confirms crease or wrinkle free garments.